Which Meditation Form is Best? A Comprehensive Guide

Mindfulness meditation is the most popular form of meditation in the West, originating from Buddhist teachings. It has been proven to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety while promoting resilience. Learn more about other forms of meditation such as mantra-based,

Which Meditation Form is Best? A Comprehensive Guide

Mindfulness meditation is the most popular and researched form of meditation in the West, originating from Buddhist teachings. It involves paying attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind without judging or engaging in them. Mantra-based meditation involves repeating a set of syllables, phrases, or words aloud or silently. This ancient Buddhist tradition consists of sitting upright and following your breath, particularly the way it enters and exits the abdomen, and letting the mind “just be”.

Transcendental meditation is a technique that involves harnessing the body's energy by allowing energy pathways called “meridians” to be open and fluid. Guided meditations are great for when you want to be guided through an experience. Meditation on love and kindness can help you start changing your perception of the world. Breathing meditation can help you refocus on the present moment so you can make more conscious decisions.

Vipassana is an ancient Indian form of meditation that means seeing things as they really are. Mindfulness combines concentration with awareness and has been shown to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety. Based on scientific literature, mindfully-focused meditation was found to be less effective than a placebo in one study. Visualization meditation involves recalling an image that creates a particular sensation or quality.

Mindfulness meditation is the most effective form of meditation for physical and mental well-being. It is easy to practice almost anywhere and has been proven to reduce depression, stress, and anxiety while promoting resilience. Mantra-based meditation is an ancient Buddhist tradition that involves repeating a set of syllables, phrases, or words aloud or silently to promote a sense of presence and alertness. Transcendental meditation is a powerful Chinese practice that involves harnessing the body's energy by allowing energy pathways called “meridians” to be open and fluid.

Guided meditations are great for when you want to be guided through an experience and can be done by attending an in-person class, listening to a recording, or following any type of verbal instruction. Meditation on love and kindness can help you start changing your perception of the world by using words, images and feelings to invoke qualities of love and friendship towards yourself and others. Breathing meditation can help you refocus on the present moment so you can make more conscious decisions while helping your body and mind relax. Vipassana is an ancient Indian form of meditation that means seeing things as they really are and dates back more than 2,500 years.

Visualization meditation involves recalling an image that creates a particular sensation or quality.