What is Mindfulness and How to Practice it?

Mindfulness is a therapeutic technique that is achieved by focusing one's consciousness on the present moment. Learn about 8 popular mindfulness techniques such as mindful breathing, body scan meditation, mindful walking and more.

What is Mindfulness and How to Practice it?

Mindfulness is a state of being aware or conscious of something. It is a therapeutic technique that is achieved by focusing one's consciousness on the present moment, while calmly recognizing and accepting feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations. It means living in the present moment, being intentionally more aware and awake at every moment and fully participating in what is happening in our environment, with acceptance and without judgment. Practicing mindfulness means paying your full attention to something, slowing down to really realize what you're doing and being the opposite of inattentive.

Studies have shown that mindfulness can bring a variety of physical, psychological and social benefits. It can decrease anxiety, reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents related to moderate anxiety and even improve the quality of sleep in the short term. There are several mindfulness techniques that can be used to practice mindfulness, such as mindful breathing, body scan meditation, mindful walking, loving-kindness meditation, sound meditation, visualization meditation, movement meditation and mantra meditation. Mindfulness can be found in every action you take, as long as you make the effort to be aware of your body, your emotions and your environment.

To practice mindfulness, you can use apps like Headspace which offer guided meditations on a wide range of topics such as stress, compassion, sleep and concentration. You can also practice mindfulness by focusing your attention on your breathing and breathing again every time you get distracted or notice your mind starting to wander.